
Kunsten at trykke - Træsnit

Kunsten at trykke - Træsnit

Kunsten at trykke - Træsnit

Kunsten at trykke er en reportageserie om dansk trykkekunst med afsæt i de tre trykketeknikker: Litografi, Træsnit og Kobbertryk. Her følger vi kunstnere og trykkeres samarbejde igennem de tre teknikker og får et unikt indblik i kunsten bag hver metode.
Sidste afsnit af reportageserien går i dybden med den ældgammel trykketeknik, træsnit.

Kunstneren Alexander Tovborg følges gennem det krævende forarbejde, hvor motivet snittes ind i træet. Vi oplever hans op- og nedture og samarbejdet mellem kunstneren og trykker Michael Schäfer.

’The Art of Printing’ is a reportage consisting of three episodes covering the printing methods of lithography, wood engraving and etching. Throughout each printing technique we follow the work and cooperation between printing specialist and artist from sketch to the finished prints. We get a unique insight behind each of the methods but also the artist’s process and thoughts when working with new materials and techniques.

Wood engraving is an ancient technique where the motif is carved into the wood used as printing surface giving the print a rough look. Artist Alexander Tovborg embarks on the massive preliminary work of carving the wood. We experience his ups and downs in the process and the cooperation between Tovborg and master printer Michael Schäfer.

YEAR: 2018
CAST: Michael Kvium, Rasmus Urwald, Ragnar Kjartansson, Niels Borch, Alexander Tovborg, Michael Schäfer
PRODUCER: Jacob Jørgensen
DIRECTOR: Mads Jørgensen
DURATION: 28:30 min