
Lifting the Veil: Behind the Scenes of Ehrengard

Lifting the Veil: Behind the Scenes of Ehrengard


Lifting the Veil: Behind the Scenes of Ehrengard

I Lifting the Veil: Behind the Scenes of Ehrengard giver indblik i Dronning Margrethe II og Bille Augusts samarbejde med skabelsen af det visuelle univers til Netflixfilmen Ehrengard, som er filmatisering af Karen Blixens novelle af samme navn. 

Denne dokumentarfilm viser, hvordan Dronning Margrethe II og Bille August har arbejdet med detaljerne bag kulisserne og kostumerne til filmen. Dette resulterede i at Dronning Margrethe II kreerede 81 decoupage og 51 kostumedesigns.


In Lifting the Veil: Behind the Scenes of Ehrengard we follow Queen Margrethe II and Bille August's collaboration in creating the visual universe for the Netflix film Ehrengard, which is an adaptation of Karen Blixen's roman of the same name.

This documentary shows how Queen Margrethe II and Bille August worked on the details behind the scenography and costumes for the film. This resulted in Queen Margrethe II creating 81 decoupages and 51 costume designs


YEAR: 2023
CAST: H.M. Queen Margrethe II, Bille August 
PRODUCER: Jacob Jørgensen
DIRECTOR: Mads Jørgensen & Henrik Lundø