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Kristian Bjørn Vester (f. 1974), også kendt som Goodiepal, har med sin kunst har tvunget os til at tage stilling, og har vist, at kunst kan ses med ørene. Han har med sin figur Goodiepal rykket ved al kulturel vanetænkning, i form af malerier, hacking, lydkunst og nye kompositioner. Goodiepal formår at udfordre vores menneskelige vaneopfattelser og institutionelle opfindelser med aktivistisk kunst. Goodiepal begyndte sin karriere som ung teenager og han er fortsat siden med at undersøge den nye verden, der er opstået mellem mennesket og maskinen.

Produceret i samarbejde med Ny Carlsbergfondet. 


Kristian Bjørn Vester (b. 1974), also known as Goodiepal, has with his art shown that art can be seen with the ears. With his character Goodiepal, he has disrupted all cultural habitual thinking, in the form of paintings, hacking, sound art and new compositions. Goodiepal manages to challenge our human habitual perceptions and institutional inventions with his activist art.

Goodiepal began his career as a young teenager and has ever since explored the new world that has emerged between man and machine.

Produced in collaboration with The New Carlsberg Foundation.


YEAR: 2024
CAST: Goodiepal
PRODUCER: Mads Jørgensen
DIRECTOR: Henrik Lundø
EDITOR: Henrik Lundø
DURATION: 05:54 min