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Tue Greenfort
Short formatsTue Greenfort
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Ny Carlsbergfondets Kunstnerlegat gives i 2022 til to kunstnere: Lea Porsager og Tue Greenfort. Prisen tildeles til en eller flere kunstnere, der med mod, originalitet og gennemslagskraft markerer sig både i Danmark og internationalt.
Det fantastiske ved Tue Greenforts praksis er faktisk ikke, at han er en pioner ud i økokunst. Det er ikke, at han kom først eller plantede flaget. Det er snarere det modsatte: at han får os til at studere jorden lige under vores fødder. Og denne jord er ikke bare et spørgsmål om økologi, økosystemer, klima, om økokunst og klimakunst. I en klimamodel medtages kun de data, som forskerne kan regne på. Men i Tue Greenforts kunst rumsterer også en masse andre faktorer og forhold, som vi ikke kan redegøre for. Det er for Tue Greenforts arbejde i et sådant landskab, at han modtager Ny Carlsbergfondets Kunstnerlegat.
The New Carlsberg Foundation’s Artist Grant 2022 is awarded to two artists: Lea Porsager and Tue Greenfort. This award is given to one or more artists who stand out, both in Denmark and abroad, with courage, originality and impact.
The exceptional quality of Tue Greenfort’s practice is not actually that he is a pioneer of eco-art. That he was a trailblazer, the first to plant the flag. Rather, it is the opposite: it is that he makes us study the ground beneath our feet. This ground is not just about ecology, ecosystems or climate, about eco-art and climate art. A climate model only includes the data the scientists are able to process; numbers they can crunch. By contrast, Tue Greenfort’s art is bustling with all sorts of other factors and aspects that we cannot account for. It is for his contributions to this landscape that Tue Greenfort receives the New Carlsberg Foundation’s Artist Grant.
YEAR: 2022
CAST: Tue Greenfort
PRODUCER: Jacob Jørgensen
DIRECTOR: Mads Jørgensen
DURATION: 03:57 min